Income is basically just energy exchanged for money. Your income allows you to basically purchase things that help keep you alive. They say if you find a job that you love, you will never work a day of your life. I am lucky to do something in my life that brings me great happiness, gives me meaning, and also provides me with a quality life that I can share with my family and friends. I am always looking for more in life (sometimes that is my downfall), and the thought of making money while I play with my kids gets me extremely motivated. This page is about sharing what I have learned and about helping both of us understand how to create income and towards become more financially free!
How to Start a Blog
Financial Samurai has a solid step-by step guide when it comes to starting a blog.
Ways to Create Passive Income
I have had my successes and failures with creating passive income, however the journey and excitement keeps me going!
I love learning and growing and would love the opportunity to learn more and help share what I have learned with my adventures. I am also open to learning more and towards working with others who want to build and create passive income together. Feel free to reach out and I look forward to hearing about your adventures and to possibly creating some together!
Here are 10 great ways to create passive income!
I love learning and growing and would love the opportunity to learn more and help share what I have learned with my adventures. I am also open to learning more and towards working with others who want to build and create passive income together. Feel free to reach out and I look forward to hearing about your adventures and to possibly creating some together!
Here are 10 great ways to create passive income!
1. Pay Off Existing Debt
2. Dividend Income
3. Social Funding
4. Real Estate
5. Open and Online Store
6. Affiliate Marketing
7. Freelance your Work
8. Buying Stuff Online
Get $10 Free
9. Start Business and have someone else run it/Sell It
10. Take a Risk
Create, Invent, Put your Dreams into Action!