Brain PE
5 Secrets of Brain Health
Physical Education and the Brain
The CDC states, “…Physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic behavior, all of which are important components of improved academic performance. These include enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior.”And there’s more. Active Living Research says, “In some cases, more time in physical education leads to improved grades and standardized test scores.” In schools that are under government mandates to bridge the achievement gap (and when those mandates encourage “teaching to the test”), physical education can actually help improve the students’ scores. (Spark)
Young at Brain?
Mr. Clark's Brain PE Resources
The products below incorporate CORE subject areas into Health and Physical Education classes!
They are extremely valuable to any Top Physical Education program and they are filled with activities that promote learning and student success!
They are extremely valuable to any Top Physical Education program and they are filled with activities that promote learning and student success!
Math in PEWant to get those neurons firing?
Want to get those students doing Math in PE? Want to enhance your PE Curriculum and become a PE Legend? If so, this product is for you! This product is filled with PE activities that involve, incorporate, or highlight Math. It comes with valuable resources, print-outs and over 30 pages full of new, fresh ideas that will take your students on a PE/Math Journey! |
Language Arts in PEWant to get those neurons firing?
Want to get students doing Language Arts (Reading/Writing) in PE? Want to enhance your PE Curriculum and become a PE Legend? If so, this product is for you! This product is filled with PE activities that involve, incorporate, or highlight Language Arts and Literacy. It comes with valuable resources, print-outs and over 30 pages full of new, fresh ideas that will take your students on a PE/Language Arts Journey! |
Brain PE BundledWant to get those neurons firing?
Want to get students doing Math and Language Arts (Reading/Writing) in PE? Want to enhance your PE Curriculum and become a PE Legend? If so, this product is for you! This product is filled with PE activities that involve, incorporate, or highlight Math and Language Arts/Literacy. It comes with valuable resources, print-outs and over 60 pages full of new, fresh ideas that will take your students on a PE/Math and Language Arts Journey! |