My Favorite Activities
These are activities that I absolutely love to have the students take part in because they are creative, engaging, and involve everyone. They are great activities that focus on fitness components, skills, cross-curricular, and character education.
Overall, they are teacher-tested, student approved, and can be used as warm-ups, challenges, or even main activities.
These are examples of what you will find throughout my other resources, packages, and site and I am always available to explain or guide you with anything you see on my site or with my products.
Overall, they are teacher-tested, student approved, and can be used as warm-ups, challenges, or even main activities.
These are examples of what you will find throughout my other resources, packages, and site and I am always available to explain or guide you with anything you see on my site or with my products.
New to PE.....Follow Me!
PE ChecklistI have developed the 4 E's to what I believe must take place to builds a strong Health and Physical Education program (or any Educational program for that matter).
Filled with over 50 different Physical Education formations to choose from when deciding how to get the most out of your activities.
I have some exciting things going on and I wanted to share the news, a few special announcements, and some free Health and PE resources.
Give these a try
Exercise While I Spell- The class is divided into 2 teams. The Exercisers and the Spellers. I project words/ write on whiteboard/hang from cones in front of the letters (PE Components of Health-Related, Skill Related, or any other PE appropriate words up for them to see) I set up A-Z letters/ poly spots that are scattered on one side of the gym randomly. Exercisers are students who are performing skill/activity on other side (Ex- fitness moves, jumping rope, skill associated with equipment) while the spellers are trying to spell as many words as they can by touching the letters with various body parts (hand, foot, patella, gluteus maximus, etc.) On the whistle, the roles reverse and Spellers become Exercisers and Exercisers become Spellers. The goal is to see how many rounds the Exercisers and Spellers can complete before activity concludes. Ex- Exerciser was able to perform 300 jump ropes, and spell 8 words. Variation- Spellers can use equipment to spell (Ex- dribble basketball/soccer ball and trap or touch each letter before moving on to next letter).
Rotational Fitness-Place the numbers 1-6 on the wall using floor tape/cones with numbers hanging or anyway that students can see them while they are in a row. Place students in 6 separate lines facing one of the numbers on the wall. (Squad formation) Project/post any of these charts up for them to see. On your signal they begin, each line performing s different exercise that corresponds to the number on the wall. On your whistle, students rotate over to the next number on the wall and perform a new exercise. Once they get to number 6, and the whistle is blown they jog in front all the way to the line that corresponds to the 1 on the wall. Rotate students through as often as you like and monitor to make sure exercises and movements are being performed correctly! Ex- all the students at 1 would be doing burpees, 2 would be doing jumping jacks, 3 running in place, 4 scissor jumps, 5 planking, 6 hopping their name. On the whistle, all the students in the 1 line who are doing burpees, would rotate over to 2 and start doing jumping jacks as the other groups do the same thing. Goal is to perform as many of exercise and rotate to new cone on whistle and start new exercise.
AMRAP- Create 4-5 different exercises in a particular sequence for students to complete. Example- 10 jumping jacks, touch all 4 walls, 3 burpees, 6 wall push-ups, and bear crawl back to start. That would be 1 Round. Students attempt to complete AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE before the time is up. Great way to create circuits, have students practice for fitness testing while increasing cardiovascular endurance, and it can be applied to any sports unit as well. Teacher can vary exercises, have students be part of sequence deciding, and recognize students who are able to achieve maximum rounds completed while also acknowledging growth from students each week.
Deck Ring Jumping Rope- students in groups of 4-5 have one deck ring tied to a rope and will take turns turning ring as rest of group jumps and works on aerobic endurance by jumping before the deck ring touches their feet. If it touches, that player steps out of the circle and performs designated exercise. Rotate player in circle every few minutes or after 3 players are touched with the deck ring.
3 player partner workout
- 1 person does sit sit-ups/curl-ups (Player A)
- 1 person holds 1 foot of person doing sit-ups and does mountain climbers or plank jumps (Player B)
- 1 person holds the other foot of the person doing sit-ups and does modified/standard push-ups (Player C)
On whistle- Player A doing sit-ups does mountain climbers or plank jumps, Player B doing mountain climbers or plank jumps does push-ups and Player C doing push-ups lays and does sit-ups/curl-ups.
Pick a Track-
Make a few different pathways using various pieces of equipment. Goal is for students to be on 1 of the pathways/tracks for the entire time of the class. They should push themselves to be on the most challenging tracks, however they can only stay on that track if they are performing the correct movement.
1. Squre of Red cones (walking around square)
2. Circle of Yellow cones (jogging around outside)
3. Straight line of Green cones (Sprinting)
4. Any other equipment or movement can be filled in (Domes- bear crawling, hula hoops- crab walking around, poly spots- jumping from spot to spot, etc.
Never Stop-
All the students in the class need to keep all the balls (you decide the equipment-tennis, gator, golf balls, etc.) moving using only their feet as you keep time with a stopwatch to record for each class. Every time a ball stops class has 3 seconds (You can call out- 1,2,3 STRIKE 1). They have 3 seconds to get to ball and make it move again without getting a strike. After 3 strikes, the time is recorded and the classes compete to see who can successfully keep them moving for the longest amount of time. Advice- I generally use 1 ball per student and give every class up to 3-4 minutes without really watching for 1,2,3 calls so I know they at least got in a few minutes of cardio and teamwork before really calling Strikes.
3 Lines- all students start on starting line when question is asked.
Each line represents a word, math problem or number. You ask a question and they have to run/move
to the correct line (even exercise while they are at that line, ex- burpees on line 3), which would correspond to the answer they think is correct.
Example- End line is Cardio, Mid line is Muscular Strength,
other End line is Flexibility, Teacher asks the question-
(What does the sit-and reach test assess?) Students then report to the correct answer to earn the point.
Contagious Hoop-students are in teams of 3 and every player has 1 hula hoop. Teams must work together to move as a team around the gym while remaining inside of their hula hoops at all times. There can be more than 1 player in a hula hoop, however students can't touch the floor unless they are inside of a hoop. After a few minutes of letting the teams practice moving around successfully, have one team act as the tagging group. They continue moving as a team and are given 1 noodle that represents them as taggers. If,the tagging team tags another team/any player from another team, they join their team and now the tagging team has 6 hula hoops that they get to use to tag other players. The activity continues and more and more teams that get tagged join that tagging group as they work together as a large group to get all the remaining players. The Last team standing wins the activity and becomes the tagging group to start the next round.
Fill the Bucket-Divide the class into an offensive team (they line up next to a cone) and a defensive team (They spread out in the field) Assign 1 person to be the pitcher and have them stand next to a bucket that is filled with balls. The kicking team is fed balls by the pitcher at a rapid pace and they just kick the ball then run the perimeter of the gym and get back in line. The outfield is filled with 3 empty buckets. The fielding team collects the balls and places them in anyone of the buckets. Once a bucket has 4 balls in it they pick it up and they then dump them in a large bucket that is next to the pitcher. The pitcher continues rolling the balls from that bucket to the next kicker. Each inning is 2-3 minutes long. At the end of 2 minutes we switch. The score is based on the number of buckets that the fielding team dumps from the outfield into the pitcher’s main bucket. There are no outs and the object is to pitch quick, kick quicker, and refill the pitchers bucket after a bucket has 4 balls to earn points for the fielding team! Can do with throwing, kicking, striking, or any other skill!
Moving Colors-Place teams into 3-4 students behind cones. In the middle of the gym place a piece of paper for the players to write on and a box of crayons filled with different colors. The goal is to be the team with the most correct answers when the activity concludes. On your signal, you call out a color and a Color word (RED– BLUE) listed on the sheet on the next slide. The first player in line runs out and must pick up the correct color crayon and spell the correct color word as well and then run to the opposite wall, touch it and jog down the sideline to the end of their line. A new color and color word is called out after 5 seconds and the activity continues. After all the color words have been called out the players retrieve their sheets and the grading and discussion begins about how our Brains and Bodies are connected!
Protect your Pin-Give each student a bowling pin/cone/standing dome and have them place it anywhere inside of the gym as long as it is not up against a wall or in a corner. The object of the activity is to have students protect their own pins while trying to knock down other player’s pins while standing at their pin. Players can leave their pin to retrieve and gather equipment to roll/throw/bounce, but they must do it while next to their pin. If their pin gets knocked over, they pick up their pin and they must perform an exercise/1 lap around the gym and then re-set their pin in a new location. There are no teams, however students can work together to form alliances. Great activity where you can interchange equipment (Lacrosse/hockey sticks to practice shooting, deck rings, balls, soccer balls-kicking)
Rescue- Divide the class up into 3 teams and have them each wear 3 different colored pinnies. (Red, Green, Blue). Place 1 player on each sideline from each team that will be the Rescuing Captain and place all of their teammates in the circle in the middle of the gym. Place the entire 3rd team in the circle as well (Defenders). The rescuing Captains on each side line will have a ball that they will throw to one of their teammates who can disperse throughout the gym on your signal. The defenders don’t want either side to win and want to knock the ball down, intercept, and make catching hard. The goal is for the Rescuing Captain to complete a pass to their teammates to rescue everyone before the other side does. If that hap-pens, the winning team selects a new captain, the losing team becomes defenders and the defenders has one player become the captain and roles switch. Each round the winning team earns 1 point.
Rotational Fitness-Place the numbers 1-6 on the wall using floor tape/cones with numbers hanging or anyway that students can see them while they are in a row. Place students in 6 separate lines facing one of the numbers on the wall. (Squad formation) Project/post any of these charts up for them to see. On your signal they begin, each line performing s different exercise that corresponds to the number on the wall. On your whistle, students rotate over to the next number on the wall and perform a new exercise. Once they get to number 6, and the whistle is blown they jog in front all the way to the line that corresponds to the 1 on the wall. Rotate students through as often as you like and monitor to make sure exercises and movements are being performed correctly! Ex- all the students at 1 would be doing burpees, 2 would be doing jumping jacks, 3 running in place, 4 scissor jumps, 5 planking, 6 hopping their name. On the whistle, all the students in the 1 line who are doing burpees, would rotate over to 2 and start doing jumping jacks as the other groups do the same thing. Goal is to perform as many of exercise and rotate to new cone on whistle and start new exercise.
AMRAP- Create 4-5 different exercises in a particular sequence for students to complete. Example- 10 jumping jacks, touch all 4 walls, 3 burpees, 6 wall push-ups, and bear crawl back to start. That would be 1 Round. Students attempt to complete AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE before the time is up. Great way to create circuits, have students practice for fitness testing while increasing cardiovascular endurance, and it can be applied to any sports unit as well. Teacher can vary exercises, have students be part of sequence deciding, and recognize students who are able to achieve maximum rounds completed while also acknowledging growth from students each week.
Deck Ring Jumping Rope- students in groups of 4-5 have one deck ring tied to a rope and will take turns turning ring as rest of group jumps and works on aerobic endurance by jumping before the deck ring touches their feet. If it touches, that player steps out of the circle and performs designated exercise. Rotate player in circle every few minutes or after 3 players are touched with the deck ring.
3 player partner workout
- 1 person does sit sit-ups/curl-ups (Player A)
- 1 person holds 1 foot of person doing sit-ups and does mountain climbers or plank jumps (Player B)
- 1 person holds the other foot of the person doing sit-ups and does modified/standard push-ups (Player C)
On whistle- Player A doing sit-ups does mountain climbers or plank jumps, Player B doing mountain climbers or plank jumps does push-ups and Player C doing push-ups lays and does sit-ups/curl-ups.
Pick a Track-
Make a few different pathways using various pieces of equipment. Goal is for students to be on 1 of the pathways/tracks for the entire time of the class. They should push themselves to be on the most challenging tracks, however they can only stay on that track if they are performing the correct movement.
1. Squre of Red cones (walking around square)
2. Circle of Yellow cones (jogging around outside)
3. Straight line of Green cones (Sprinting)
4. Any other equipment or movement can be filled in (Domes- bear crawling, hula hoops- crab walking around, poly spots- jumping from spot to spot, etc.
Never Stop-
All the students in the class need to keep all the balls (you decide the equipment-tennis, gator, golf balls, etc.) moving using only their feet as you keep time with a stopwatch to record for each class. Every time a ball stops class has 3 seconds (You can call out- 1,2,3 STRIKE 1). They have 3 seconds to get to ball and make it move again without getting a strike. After 3 strikes, the time is recorded and the classes compete to see who can successfully keep them moving for the longest amount of time. Advice- I generally use 1 ball per student and give every class up to 3-4 minutes without really watching for 1,2,3 calls so I know they at least got in a few minutes of cardio and teamwork before really calling Strikes.
3 Lines- all students start on starting line when question is asked.
Each line represents a word, math problem or number. You ask a question and they have to run/move
to the correct line (even exercise while they are at that line, ex- burpees on line 3), which would correspond to the answer they think is correct.
Example- End line is Cardio, Mid line is Muscular Strength,
other End line is Flexibility, Teacher asks the question-
(What does the sit-and reach test assess?) Students then report to the correct answer to earn the point.
Contagious Hoop-students are in teams of 3 and every player has 1 hula hoop. Teams must work together to move as a team around the gym while remaining inside of their hula hoops at all times. There can be more than 1 player in a hula hoop, however students can't touch the floor unless they are inside of a hoop. After a few minutes of letting the teams practice moving around successfully, have one team act as the tagging group. They continue moving as a team and are given 1 noodle that represents them as taggers. If,the tagging team tags another team/any player from another team, they join their team and now the tagging team has 6 hula hoops that they get to use to tag other players. The activity continues and more and more teams that get tagged join that tagging group as they work together as a large group to get all the remaining players. The Last team standing wins the activity and becomes the tagging group to start the next round.
Fill the Bucket-Divide the class into an offensive team (they line up next to a cone) and a defensive team (They spread out in the field) Assign 1 person to be the pitcher and have them stand next to a bucket that is filled with balls. The kicking team is fed balls by the pitcher at a rapid pace and they just kick the ball then run the perimeter of the gym and get back in line. The outfield is filled with 3 empty buckets. The fielding team collects the balls and places them in anyone of the buckets. Once a bucket has 4 balls in it they pick it up and they then dump them in a large bucket that is next to the pitcher. The pitcher continues rolling the balls from that bucket to the next kicker. Each inning is 2-3 minutes long. At the end of 2 minutes we switch. The score is based on the number of buckets that the fielding team dumps from the outfield into the pitcher’s main bucket. There are no outs and the object is to pitch quick, kick quicker, and refill the pitchers bucket after a bucket has 4 balls to earn points for the fielding team! Can do with throwing, kicking, striking, or any other skill!
Moving Colors-Place teams into 3-4 students behind cones. In the middle of the gym place a piece of paper for the players to write on and a box of crayons filled with different colors. The goal is to be the team with the most correct answers when the activity concludes. On your signal, you call out a color and a Color word (RED– BLUE) listed on the sheet on the next slide. The first player in line runs out and must pick up the correct color crayon and spell the correct color word as well and then run to the opposite wall, touch it and jog down the sideline to the end of their line. A new color and color word is called out after 5 seconds and the activity continues. After all the color words have been called out the players retrieve their sheets and the grading and discussion begins about how our Brains and Bodies are connected!
Protect your Pin-Give each student a bowling pin/cone/standing dome and have them place it anywhere inside of the gym as long as it is not up against a wall or in a corner. The object of the activity is to have students protect their own pins while trying to knock down other player’s pins while standing at their pin. Players can leave their pin to retrieve and gather equipment to roll/throw/bounce, but they must do it while next to their pin. If their pin gets knocked over, they pick up their pin and they must perform an exercise/1 lap around the gym and then re-set their pin in a new location. There are no teams, however students can work together to form alliances. Great activity where you can interchange equipment (Lacrosse/hockey sticks to practice shooting, deck rings, balls, soccer balls-kicking)
Rescue- Divide the class up into 3 teams and have them each wear 3 different colored pinnies. (Red, Green, Blue). Place 1 player on each sideline from each team that will be the Rescuing Captain and place all of their teammates in the circle in the middle of the gym. Place the entire 3rd team in the circle as well (Defenders). The rescuing Captains on each side line will have a ball that they will throw to one of their teammates who can disperse throughout the gym on your signal. The defenders don’t want either side to win and want to knock the ball down, intercept, and make catching hard. The goal is for the Rescuing Captain to complete a pass to their teammates to rescue everyone before the other side does. If that hap-pens, the winning team selects a new captain, the losing team becomes defenders and the defenders has one player become the captain and roles switch. Each round the winning team earns 1 point.