Overall Health is the most important concept in my life. The health of my family, friends, and students is something that holds a lot of value in my life. I would always remember as a small child always being sick and being a frequent flyer to my pediatrician more than the average kid. I can recall vivid memories laying next to the floor of the toilet falling asleep, the smell of doctor offices, and missing out on fun things because I wasn't up to it.
My passion towards achieving health and wellness was engrained in me because of all of these life experiences. I am sure a lot of you who are reading this now (You Rock!) have a lot of the same drive and energy because you know how critical health is to happiness! In my mind, feeling healthy was the foundation and first step towards achieving happiness. However, there are so many extremely sick people that have more happiness in their little finger than I could dream. I guess health is a by-product of certain factors and happiness is something we choose regardless of our circumstances. (Sorry for the deep contemplation, it just kind of happened).
I was able to associate exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle choices with ways to avoid pain/discomfort of being sick. I slowly began to eat and actually enjoy single ingredient foods and all the little green scallions in my soup (Love you Mom). I am always searching for that eternal potion towards looking, feeling, and embracing a forever youthful and healthy life. I know what my Best Version feels like and somedays I am invincible and other days it is the furtherest thing from my reality! No matter what, I still continue my journey, my adventure, and my crazy antics towards finding the pinnacle of health.
From drinking hot water with lemon as soon as I get up, to eating the same thing for breakfast almost everyday (4 eggs- 3 egg whites/1 yolk, a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with walnuts, cinnamon, teaspoon of local honey (stupid allergies) and some type of fruit mixed in), to incorporating coconut oil into my daily routine (hair, skin, and coconut pulling), to putting my legs up before bed, to all of my other wacky beliefs and psychosomatic tendencies. Some people would call it crazy, but I call it, My recipe for achieving My health.
Life is about finding what formula works for you and I truly believe that the most important thing when it comes to health is for a person to acknowledge, embrace, and care about their health and their life. The best things/accomplishments/dreams in the world take discipline, sacrifice, and respect and Health is no different.
So, raise a glass of whatever makes you feel great (I use an awesome tea, honey, garlic recipe I would love to share, that my wife just shakes her head at when I make) and toast to living a life with Your Health as core component to achieving your happiness or whatever else makes your life priceless! Time for me to go and brush my teeth with my non-dominant hand, floss, and put my legs up!
Take a deep breath and go and find your blueprint towards Health and Happiness!
My passion towards achieving health and wellness was engrained in me because of all of these life experiences. I am sure a lot of you who are reading this now (You Rock!) have a lot of the same drive and energy because you know how critical health is to happiness! In my mind, feeling healthy was the foundation and first step towards achieving happiness. However, there are so many extremely sick people that have more happiness in their little finger than I could dream. I guess health is a by-product of certain factors and happiness is something we choose regardless of our circumstances. (Sorry for the deep contemplation, it just kind of happened).
I was able to associate exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle choices with ways to avoid pain/discomfort of being sick. I slowly began to eat and actually enjoy single ingredient foods and all the little green scallions in my soup (Love you Mom). I am always searching for that eternal potion towards looking, feeling, and embracing a forever youthful and healthy life. I know what my Best Version feels like and somedays I am invincible and other days it is the furtherest thing from my reality! No matter what, I still continue my journey, my adventure, and my crazy antics towards finding the pinnacle of health.
From drinking hot water with lemon as soon as I get up, to eating the same thing for breakfast almost everyday (4 eggs- 3 egg whites/1 yolk, a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with walnuts, cinnamon, teaspoon of local honey (stupid allergies) and some type of fruit mixed in), to incorporating coconut oil into my daily routine (hair, skin, and coconut pulling), to putting my legs up before bed, to all of my other wacky beliefs and psychosomatic tendencies. Some people would call it crazy, but I call it, My recipe for achieving My health.
Life is about finding what formula works for you and I truly believe that the most important thing when it comes to health is for a person to acknowledge, embrace, and care about their health and their life. The best things/accomplishments/dreams in the world take discipline, sacrifice, and respect and Health is no different.
So, raise a glass of whatever makes you feel great (I use an awesome tea, honey, garlic recipe I would love to share, that my wife just shakes her head at when I make) and toast to living a life with Your Health as core component to achieving your happiness or whatever else makes your life priceless! Time for me to go and brush my teeth with my non-dominant hand, floss, and put my legs up!
Take a deep breath and go and find your blueprint towards Health and Happiness!
Healthy Self= Heal Thy Self
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