Websites and Apps
Weebly- I use Weebly because I love it's easy to follow format, it's smooth and fun table when building/designing, and also the fact they have amazing customer service that's extremely helpful and supportive throughout my journey. I highly recommend it for building your vision, your dream, your website!
Calm-is an awesome I use when I need to shut my eyes for a few and just escape. I really enjoy the 7 days of Calm challenge and how there are so many options (scenery, noises, etc.) to choose from. The Free version has a lot to offer and I highly recommend it to finding a few minutes of complete peace. A must have for any teacher or parent!
Comic Life is a visually-appealing app resource that brings your work to life. I use it for in school, with my own kids, and when I have a creative itch to create educational resources. In my opinion, all Ipads should come with this App!
Fooducate- I could spend hours when I food shop using this app. Basically, it gives you reviews, ratings, and advice on healthy food options by simply scanning the barcode of the product you are looking for. It will give you a rating based upon the nutritional value as well as offer other healthier alternatives. That is just a small glimpse of what this app can do. Time for you to Fooducate yourself more towards a healthier life!
Morning Brew is my absolute favorite daily email that fills my brain with everything tech, finance, world news, and is like a warm cup of coffee (I am a green tea guy) for my brain.
Get a free daily email and hold on for an awesome stimulating morning brain boost!
Get a free daily email and hold on for an awesome stimulating morning brain boost!
The Your smart, good looking friend that sends you an email each morning with all the tech and business news you need to know for the day.
Curiosity is a fun and thought-provoking website that challenges you to learn, think, and grow in fun and meaningful ways. They are all about exploring the depths of knowledge through inspirational stories, powerful messages, and brain-scratching thoughts.
I am a huge fan of Personal Capital because you can link all of your accounts (checking, savings, retirement, loans, etc.) and you can use their Free tools to help you budget, save, and plan for your future!
Sig Fig- is an awesome online investment app where you can link all your investment accounts, get advice, and explore solid options when it comes to saving your money. Just read their mission statement- "Our mission is to build a new kind of investment company: one that uses science and data to help all investors, large and small, invest better. We're a company that treasures innovation and values beautiful design; one which values simplicity and whose team thrives on the opportunities created by technology. We are a company that creates transparency and acts in the best interest of investors." (Great place to link all of your investments/retirement accounts)
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Credible- is an online marketplace that provides borrowers with competitive, personalized loan offers from multiple, lenders in real time.
Of Dollars and Data is jam-packed with data visualizations that are truthful, insightful, and impactful. Nick is a data scientist and his main goal with this website is to help others understand themselves so they can fully tackle their investments and financial futures.
Altucher Guide to Investing-The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Investing All of Your Money
Bloom- is an SEC Registered investment advisory firm built by a few guys that grew up in the midwest. With over 30 years of cumulative experience in advising real people with portfolios that have ranged in value from $250-$100,000,000, odds are they can fix yours too.
AirBnB- is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world. Great way to see the world, save money ,and add a little adventure into your life.
Giphy- can't seem to find the words to say? No worries, and just make your own GIF to send. Fun way to bring pictures and videos to life. Use in and out of the classroom for some excitement!
We Are Teachers- is an awesome site that caught my eye by chance when I received an email to enter a fun contest. I then began to learn more about the site and realized they have top-notch articles/insight into the profession, witty and humorous perspectives on what teaching entails, inspirational and meaningful information towards achieving teaching greatness, and most importantly a strong vision and mission towards supporting and inspiring those in the profession.
Napkin Finance- do you need to explain something to someone, but want to do it fast and effectively? Use Napkin Finance and find an illustrated napkin that explains economics, finance, investing, or any other focus involving money and life.
Jeremy is Kinesiologist and FMS, NASM certified. He created Built with Science in an effort to “optimize” training with methods that are proven and shown through scientific literature to be the most effective way to train. Talk about a thorough, meaningful, and powerful site jam-packed with amazing content and concepts!
Workout Music Source- what an awesome Youtube channel that has high intensity and high bpm music to get your students(and yourself) rocking out to.
I received an email from an awesome girl named Bella who was doing a health project on fitness and nutrition for school. She stumbled across my website and found it helpful with her school assignment. She wanted to share an awesome resource she came across so I wanted to help her spread the message.
As an educator or student you never know your reach when it comes to making a positive impact. Sometimes it just takes an email to see the power we all have!
Thank you Bridget and Bella!
As an educator or student you never know your reach when it comes to making a positive impact. Sometimes it just takes an email to see the power we all have!
Thank you Bridget and Bella!
Our World In Data is simply mind-blowing! Check out some of the categories and you will be blown away at the research and data! Data brought to life with eye-catching and mind-popping visuals.
Discloser- This page may include affiliate links. When you click on a link/buy a product, Mr. Clark's PE might make a few bucks at no extra cost to you.